Chien Méchant
Beware of the dog.
Maybe this warning is not really relevant. It doesn’t scare anyone anymore. We all know that what is actually hiding behind this green fence is a sweet doggy only waiting to happily greet you.
First there’s Gabriel, who you probably already saw playing crazy drums (with Terrenoire, Cola Boyy…). And then there’s Facundo, the magician on the synth and on his choice of shirts.
Together they are Chien Méchant: a duo made of two friends who met at the hairdresser (and in high school), and that makes you wonder if groove, rock, funk and synths could maybe coexist one more time.
The release of their first self titled EP Chien Méchant gave prominence to their first inspirations – as first releases usually do – and showed off their influences. They were at the same time trying to prove themselves but also preparing us for what is to come: the real journey.
A journey that will start next January with Métamorphose. A first album that will display a cast smelling like leather, like a John Carpenter movie with GrandMarnier (Yelle) directing, Ouai Stéphane on the mix and of course Gabriel & Facundo taking a twisted pleasure in deconstructing our common preconception on pop music.
Métamorphose has many shapes – don’t forget a dog can have 3 heads. The track “Nuit Blanche” reminds us of our dancefloor trances. “Sens Contraire” is a drum/synth ballad that takes us by the hand and slowly whispers in our ear that it is ok to be anxious. “Point Final” is pretty self explanatory and makes us feel like we are back on the dancefloor saying “ok this is the last one”. There are ten tracks on this album that will be released alongside their label – Nowadays Records.
You will quickly understand that Chien Méchant is a live band. You will dream about these drums, these blinking synths, these psychedelic carpets, and about dancing without thinking about what’s next. But beware, Métamorphose also reminds us that they are way more than that.
Related Releases
Chien Méchant
— Dans La Niche, Vol 1
Chien Méchant
— Dans La Niche, Vol. 2
Chien Méchant
— Dans La Niche, Vol. 3
Related Videos
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— Live Session @ Versailles