FORM sees this EP as an episode in their musical career, it is a project that pays tribute to the Lebanese people and highlights the historical period that the country is going through.
Hausmane, the band’s lead singer, is French/Lebanese. It is therefore unsurprising that the events of this year and especially in August with the Beirut explosion led him, almost unconsciously, to compose pieces related to these disasters, as a kind of therapy. Adrien and Aksel expressed their support by pushing Hausmane’s ideas, so they produced these 4 tracks together and used it to explore the sounds of the Middle East.
It was very important to translate all these feelings : sadness, pain, hope and anger into something concrete.
This EP carries the essence of all these emotions through the spectrum of the singer, who lived the entire thing from France, connected 24/7 to his family and friends there, who played a huge role in the confection of this EP: records, audio from video they sent were used as samples, and long discussions gathered inspiration.
The visuals are conceived by Lebanese artists both of whom have an important place in Hausmane’s heart.
The first, Ivan Debs, is a graphic designer and has played a major role through his art during the revolution movement!
The second, Yasmina Hilal, is a long-time photographer friend. Indeed, her and Hausmane first met in Boston in the USA and have remained very connected ever since. Through her pictures, Yasmina has been telling the story of numerous people by capturing moments and showing them to the world.